Matt Ainsley - communication coach in Tokyo
Speak with Confidence

The 8 session, 1:1 coaching program with me.

Transform your communication doubts into natural confidence.
Without changing who you are, or being someone you’re not.

Be valued for what you say, and connect with your team and clients. 

book YOUR call to find out more
Speaking at work is a challenge

You’re in a senior position.
You have to get things right and you care what others think.

You’re great at your work, but in presentations, meetings, and important 1:1s, you doubt your communication skills. 

Perhaps . . .
You’re new to leadership,

you tell yourself ‘I’m not a true leader, I should know what I’m doing’.

or, English isn't your first language

you worry clients won’t trust you, because you're English isn't perfect.

or, your life experience is very different to others,

you’re more introvert. Not an ‘Alpha Type’.

Man walking down a dark alleyway with neon cloud lights. hanging from buildings above
You fear being judged

You live under a cloud of worry.

What if I say something stupid and get laughed at?!

They’ll think I’m unprofessional and don’t know my stuff.

My English isn’t good enough.

I can’t explain my ideas clearly.

They won’t trust me.

What if they ask a question I can’t answer?

At my age, I should be confident.

I’m bad at small talk.

I’m senior, I should know how to do this.

Doubt takes control.

Drawing of a cute blue monster hiding behind a tree trunk.
You hide away

When presenting, you put your ‘serious pants’ on.
You loose your natural personality and expression.

In meetings you shrink into your shell.
Instead of sharing your opinion, you stay quiet or agree with others.

In a client pitch you hold back.
The deal-breaking details get missed.

You feel unconfident, inauthentic.
Or devalue what you have to say.

You over prepare, stress and lose sleep.
Perfectionism takes control.

You don’t perform at your best.

As days pass, are you missing out on the success you deserve?
A skateboarder in Los Angeles practicing stunts and leaping in the air.
Skills of natural confidence

You dream of more confidence.
But feel alone trying to find the answer.

I know what this is like.
Growing up I struggled with communication.
But I’ve learnt to free myself of doubt.

And I want to help you do the same.
To bring your communication alive with personality and expression.
Real, not fake.

I’ve helped many clients achieve this, and seen their confidence transform.

Here’s how . . .

Matt Ainsley English communication coach
My Speak With Confidence program

An 8 session personalised coaching program 1:1 with me.

To transform your communication doubts into authentic confidence.

To communicate at your best when the pressure is on.
In presentations, meetings, pitches, high value conversations and important 1:1s.

book your call to find out more
Results that free you

We work together to understand your doubts, and how they control you.

With this knowledge we confront your worries and fears.
You develop new skills and thinking, that empowers you with confidence.

You free yourself from ‘never good enough', or 'should do better’.

You have a voice and are valued for what you share.

You’re proud to express your passions and ideas.

When you let go of feeling judged, you’re free to lead and inspire others.

You grow your communication superpowers, by being authentically you.

A young girl sat at a desk about to throw a paper aeroplane into the air.
You’ll build confidence to . . . 

Connect and win trust

Speak with authority, as an expert in your work

Build self belief and resilience

Create opportunity for collaboration

Be vulnerable for greater connection

Use personality and humour

Be spontaneous and handle the unexpected

Be comfortable in the spotlight (AKA fear of public speaking)

Express concepts and ideas simply

Use storytelling to inspire

Space shuttle launching into night sky
You will . . .

Understanding your fears and motivations

Overcome shame

Communicate with emotional intelligence

Develop your voice as a leader

Be able to handle strong personalities

Unite your team and engage more clients

How this works

I designed this program as an adventure.
It expands your communication mindset and skills.

Your confidence and communication skills grow.

What you get
Skill Sessions

Eight x 75 minute sessions 1:1 with me on Zoom every two weeks

Progress Calls

Seven x 15 minute progress calls - for a boost between sessions

Task Sheets

Learning resources that grow your communication intelligence

Easy Access

Email me - ask anything you want, at any time

Matt Ainsley Extra Percent English coaching program
Time to take control

Your life experience, professional expertise, and personality are unique.

When you understand their value, it's a game changer for your communication.

The world needs to hear what you have to share.
And I’ll be privileged to help you.

Let’s talk.

Send me a message to book a 45 minute Zoom call.

Ask me questions, discover if this program's right for you and get valuable insight on what holds you back.

CLICK to book your call